Part time jobs are hard to find, especially when you're time restricted by your college or university work. We're going to show you today how to make the most out your college or university life, whilst finding and working at a part time job.It's understandable when you're hesitant about entering the world of employment, especially once you've began your path through College or university. Your free time is limited, and the prospect of spending that time working doesn't seem too appealing.Let's face it, the holidays are an expensive time. If you plan to buy presents or need to travel to see your family, friends or relatives, money is a key factor. Although there are means of making money in other places, such as on the internet, part time job at perhaps a retail store or a fast food restauranteur make it much easier to manage.If you're a resident of the UK, do a quick Google search for a company called Connexions. Find your local branch, and pay them a visit. They offer a "Job Sheet", which lists all available jobs, part or full time, in your area. Often a few of them have links in which to apply online with, so you can apply when you're at home watching a movie or even whilst eating your dinner.Festive times call for socialising too. You want to be seeing relatives, friends and possibly your partner. Balancing socialising, managing coursework or homework, plus a part time job may seem like a hefty task to take on, but there are a few important factors to consider:
College work and your part time job take first priority - If you've made it into further education, you're doing well. Due to the fact that it isn't compulsory, you should take extra care in keeping your place there. The same principle should apply to your part time; they're hard to come by in today's economic state, so never book days off for the simple fact that you feel the urge to see your friend.
You don't earn the money you need tosupport yourself by hanging out with friends - Remember, you spent hours looking for a job, and have managed to secure one successfully secure one. Most of the time, you take a job due to the need for financing, so taking time out from your job to see friends is money wasted. If it's important, way up the costs and decide carefully. Too many days off can result in you losing your job, and then you have to start the process all over again.
Your friends are important too, but make sure that you keep an eye on at your work is expecting from you. Punctuality, focus and motivation. The 3 most key points that any employer looks for when somebody takes a job from them, so keep your head up, focus on the task at hand, and you can't go wrong!